
Never forget what is truly important

If you're like myself, then your week is filled with tons of stuff to do:
the occasional personal project, such as writing that chapter that was due
two days ago for the book you're working on, review your presentation for
that important risk-related project at work, the yearly report on the
computing services, collect, review, and prepare the information needed
for that meeting to present your video-conferencing project, prepare your
operating systems slides for the three one-hour classes, conduct those
never ending group-meetings (BTW, you know you're part of one too many
groups, when you can't have all those meetings on weekly basis), keeping
your policy of no more than two hours in average to respond to any written
or electronic communication your receive, etc., a really, really big et

Chances are that you will forget about what really matters, the highlight
of your week, that special, never-ending moment, where space and time
become one, no pain, no worries, no more work for a couple of hours...
when you hold your beer with your raised hand, see your girlfriend, and
friends in the eye, and say: "Salud!". Well, that will happen no more, for
I now have this pretty, non-intrusive, beer-like counter that works itself
up to remind me of that special moment.

Welcome home friday night!


Champ's food

My new policy is to have a late breakfast around 10:30, substitute regular lunch for the champion's food you can see in the picture, and then a late super or dinner.

Works great!, I can work pretty quietly, while everybody is out fighting for decent food: suckers! ;)


Stay in a line

That's right people: stay in a line (staying alive). My friend Manuel thought that the song staying alive said, yes he did!, stay in a line.

Oh, BTW we are at the King's, ex-Celtics. ;)


Almost three hours

In the picture you can see how my PSP looks wasted, it has been almost 3 hours since we arrived to the beauty parlour.

I had my hair done in like 15 minutes, Karla is having something plaster to her hair every half hour. I would have gone, but the traffic is pretty heavy, and I came prepared: book and PSP.

It shouldn't be long now.


Better known as RMS

I've been having more and more fun with my all singing, all dancing blackberry phone later. So, in a very unpolite way my girlfriend is been making fun of me, and how I'm behaving as Richard S. when he was visiting here in Mexico, and how little attention he paid to her colombian? chic, because of his laptop...

The point is that in a conference, somebody presented Richard as the supposedly better known: rms. ;)

(tell this guy that nobody knows what the hell he's talking about, was the general feeling, and it was very funny.)

Anyway, now I'm better known as FSC, but instead of a laptop I have a phone.


On the move

That's right, I just decided to give it a try and post using my mobile phone. It might not look pretty, it might not even be worth reading, I'm sorry for that, however I will be able to write more often.

I'm gonna go the Seinfeld way: a blog about nothing (not that it wasn't already about nothing, mind you, but there you have it).

Vaz: kudos for asking me about this possibility!

Sorry about this message being correctly capitalized, my phone insists on it. ;)